What we have done for our investors.

We are a prudent and responsible investment manager, underwriting with attention to details, such as security location, its value creation, borrower’s experience, and credit quality. We administer these investments on an operating system, to term and to the mutual satisfaction of the borrowers and investors.

This approach has yielded 9.81% or an additional 2.83% for our investors, on a risk adjusted basis. BTIL has made over $32M in direct investment transactions, many of which are with Permitted or Accredited investors who want enhanced returns provided by direct and managed debt exposure.

We know the market and the dirt.

We conduct a fundamental analysis, bottom up, on the security and borrower. We seek out asset classes that are stable or improving in their intrinsic (appraised) value.

We underwrite each investment, one at a time, to ensure our standards are met and aligned with the duty of care to our investors interest. Each investment may be subject to specific disclosures or conflicts of interest, which will be provided to the investor in advance of investment opportunities.

Let our market knowledge and risk management experience work for you. Biricz Taylor Investments Ltd. (BT Advisory and BTIL) is seeking to grow its Permitted Investor base this year.

Do you qualify as an Accredited or a Permitted Investor. (Any one of)

  1. A person or entity, company, limited liability company, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, trust or estate, other than a mutual fund or non-redeemable investment fund, who has net assets of at least $5 million as reflected in its most recently prepared financial statements and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
  2. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, has net assets of at least $5 million and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
  3. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, beneficially owns financial assets (being cash, securities within the meaning of the Securities Act, the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract, a deposit or evidence of a deposit) that have an aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1 million and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.
  4. An individual whose net income before taxes in each of the two most recent years exceeded $200,000 or whose net income before taxes in each of those years combined with that of his or her spouse in each of those years exceeded $300,000, who has a reasonable expectation of exceeding the same net income or combined net income, as the case may be, in the current year and who provides written confirmation of this to the brokerage.